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White muse

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It has long been considered that the emergence of a muse foreshadows inspiration and eagerness. Because she has always been the source of a creative impulse. There were nine muses in total: Calliope, Cleo, Melpomene, Thalia, Euterpe, Erato, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia, Urania. They embodied all sciences and arts, and were mediators between the Divine and man. Maybe that's why I chose such a name for myself so that my muse would inspire me too, and would like to be a muse for others sometimes. Why White? You probably know that white is the spectrum of all colors and in reality, it is a colorless phenomenon. - Nothing, at the same time being everything! Interesting, isn't it ?! Also, it is the color of purity, kindness and innocence! And what happens when you put it all together? The white muse is a magical divinity that embodies all the colors of the universe!

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Smile does not cost anything, but it is very powerful.