Sorry Cards

Gentle put up cards
Bright, sunny animation card with words for reconciliation

A touching put up cards
Gentle, lovely, magical card with a request for reconciliation
Animated Sorry Cards
When you quarrel with a friend, relative, or loved one, the world around you becomes gray and opaque. The first step toward mutual understanding can be sorry cards. Ask for forgiveness first. Say that you were wrong, and the original sorry cards from our authors will help you to improve relationships and relieve the tension of misunderstanding and hostility.
It will be easier for you to get closer after a quarrel and find common language by using sorry cards. Bright, impressive images, decorated with wonderful words and gif animation. It is a great way to demonstrate your good feelings and intentions.
Sorry cards may help to say sorry and improve your friendship
We are all children in the soul, even when we are no longer in our teens. We keep friendships, break up, compromise. A relationship is impossible without disagreements. Only few people can avoid this, but it is important to be able to rekindle the connections so dear to your heart.
Sorry cards will help you to make a giant first step without looking like you are expecting this from another person. The images suggest the reason for the unhappy event occurring in your life. Take it into account and you will not have to mention the break up reason.
The message of the cards and wise words are impossible to ignore. You are welcome to use such card to make up with the person you love.